Summary of “The 10x Rule” by Grant Cardone

The Gist

What you need to do is create goals that are ten times bigger than what you think you can achieve. Take ten times bigger action than you think you can take. Your biggest mistake is not setting the bar high enough. Because of that, you will never reach your full potential. You can’t see big enough. This book, helps you set the stage of what it takes to see bigger and achieve bigger. Ten times as big.

The Tips

  1. Set Higher Goals: What we tend to do is set goals that we can see ourselves doing. We want to feel the win and end up putting ourselves in a box. If we want to achieve major success, we have to envision what that success looks like. Think about your pie-in-the-sky idea is. Then, go after it.
  2. Keep Going: People say that once you’ve reached a certain level of success, then you should be “happy” and retire. Right? Wrong. You loved your friends and family. You have a certain level of success with them, are you going to stop doing things for them? Or, should you continue to nurture and nourish those relationships? it’s the same thing with your work.
  3. Common Mistakes: (1) Don’t set your goals low. It’s going to take a lot of effort to get where you want- (2) don’t underestimate the action. (3) Be the best version of YOU. When you’re the best version of yourself, you don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to focus on the competition. (4) There’s going to be speed bumps along the way. Learn how to navigate them.
  4. Don’t Lower Yourself: Regardless of what goal you set out to achieve, it’s going to be tough. Why not set them higher from the beginning? Don’t explain why it didn’t go exactly as planned. Just increase your action. Nobody wins when you lower yourself below what you could be.
  5. No Singular Dependencies: Don’t be dependent on one thing, one person, or one solution to a problem. Winners see things from different perspectives, and bring in success from different avenues.
  6. Taking Responsibility: Don’t blame others. Look at yourself. If you win and take credit, you have to take responsibility when you lose.
  7. Unfair Advantages: What gives you an unfair advantage that allows you to stand out from the crowd? What can you do better than anyone else? Or, at least better than 80% of people. Too many people try to play the averages. Stop that. Focus on exceptionality.
  8. Take Action: Stop overthinking everything. Grant had his entire staff make 50 sales calls in 30 minutes. They didn’t all get to the 50 calls in the 30 minutes, but they ALL TOOK ACTION. That’s what made a difference. Commit first, and then figure out the details as you go along.
  9. Emulate Success: Find people that are better than you, reach up to and for them.

The Get

Who should “get” this book? People that are stuck in a rut of how to get from Point B to Point C. Maybe you’ve already started, but are trying to figure out how to 10x your profits, your efforts, and reach your full potential. If you feel like maybe you’re doing the same thing and not getting where you want, it might be time to take massive action.

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