Launch a New Venture with One of These 21 Low-Cost Business Ideas (Part 3/3)

Have you thought about starting a business but aren’t sure if you have enough money to start? Here’s the thing, you don’t need a lot of capital to start a small business. Initially, it can start as a side hustle. When there is more demand, you can grow the business and better the processes and systems. Look for businesses in this article that stand out to you. Potentially a business idea that matches your interest or one that you would like to learn. For many people, the primary reason that they don’t start a new venture is that they are concerned that they can’t afford it. However, there are many businesses that don’t take much capital to start. In this article, we are going to cover some businesses that you can start with little cash on hand. Hopefully, these next 7 business ideas inspire you to start instead of standing on the sidelines (Part 1 | Part 2).

15. Videographer/Photographer

Video and photo production will require you to have equipment. You don’t need to spend a lot of money upfront, but there will be some costs associated with it. Like many business ideas, you’ll want to niche down to focus on a particular area. This can be in the arts, real estate, wedding videos, studio interviews, etc. Find courses online to learn how to use your equipment and edit your cuts.

16. Garden Designer

There are a lot of people that enjoy gardening their yards. It can be therapeutic, relaxing, and a journey to watch seeds or plants bloom with care. While many people have the willingness, most don’t know how to plan and which plants to select. When designing and planning a yard space, they’re stumped. You could draw and design your clients outdoor space, then can handle the rest.

17. Vlogger or Blogger

If you have a strong interest or desire for a specific topic, then there’s an audience that most likely has a deep interest as well. Blogs can be used to build an online community. That engagement can be converted and monetized. This can be in the form of affiliate marketing, sponsored content, co-marketing, ads, or product sales.

18. Interior Designer

Similar to landscape designing, some people have a creative knack for visualizing the furniture, decor, lighting, etc. to make a space pop. Not everyone can fill a room effortlessly. Most become overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. This might take some time to build a portfolio, but this can be an invigorating career if you enjoy designing client’s living spaces.

19. Tour Guide

If you are a local that loves your city’s history, consider becoming a tour guide. You can personalize your tour to be fun and exciting, heavy and detail-oriented, or a combination of the two. Allow your character to shine through. Offer tours that speak to either particular niche.

20. Freelance Writer

If you are good at writing and don’t mind spending hours behind a computer researching and typing, you could be fantastic at freelance writing. Someone is always looking for help with writing blog posts, website copy, creative writing, and market copy. If you have a portfolio, share it with potential clients, give some sample pieces and exhibit your work. You’ll want to choose a specialty/niche market to penetrate. Start practicing, start writing, and start marketing your talent.

21. Personal Trainer

You can either create in-home consultations, personalized nutritional plans, or workout regimens for individuals or communities. Exercise videos and healthy/tasty snacks are smart ideas to include in your business idea. This can be a service that you offer as a freelancer and scale into a small gym.


And, this is the conclusion of our three-part series on low-cost businesses that you can start without breaking the bank. Read the first and second posts to make sure that you choose the one that best fits your skill set. Good luck and Godspeed!

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