There are multiple business structures, each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, S-Corp, C-Corp, or B-Corp, you should consider factors such as personal liability, taxes, management structure, and compliance requirements. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision: When deciding on […]

Emails, emails, emails. They keep coming in. Some from social media notifications, weekly grocery store roundups, or that sketch deal website that you subscribed to in highschool that keeps sending unsolicited newsletters from different addresses. Maybe, that’s just on this side. Point of the matter, is that everyone gets spam. Of the eight billion people […]

Business operations refer to the processes, activities and tasks that a company must undertake to run and maintain its business. These can include, but are not limited to, activities such as manufacturing or delivering a product or service, maintaining inventory, hiring and training employees, processing orders and payments, and managing relationships with customers, suppliers and […]