When you think about a sales person, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? Do you think of someone that is well-dressed, well-spoken, quick-witted? How about charismatic, likable, or financially-oriented? Do you have positive associations with sales people or do you think of them in a negative light? Are they more, sleazy, greedy, […]

You definitely don’t want to fall into hot water in regards to employment laws. You could end up paying penalties, back-pay, get sued, or a slew of problems. The best thing to do is keep your employees best interest at heart and keep yourself current with the latest employment laws. Do note that this article […]

Have you gotten the whole, “You’re too ambitious” bit from family or friends? They will try to bemoan your ideas or get you to stop working on your vision. Sometimes you’ll hear the, “You’re getting ahead of yourself”. But, you know deep in your core that you’re committed and convinced that you can make it. […]

Most of our buying decisions are emotional, not logical. Essentially, people don’t buy products, they buy emotions. You have to harness and unlock the marketing tools to influence people to want what you are providing. This doesn’t have to come off as some Machiavellian approach, but these cognitive biases are the same strategies used by […]