Networking is an important aspect of starting a new business, as it can help you to build relationships, gain insights, and find new opportunities. Here are 6 tips for networking when you’re starting a new business: It is also helpful to have a clear and concise “elevator pitch” that summarizes your business and what you […]

Incubators and Accelerators, what’s the difference? Some people use incubator and accelerator interchangeably- I’ve made the mistake before in the past. But, there is a little difference between the two. Incubators “incubate” disruptive ideas. Accelerators “accelerate” the growth of the business. There is a more on this below. What is an Incubator? Startup incubators are […]

It’s important to understand the difference between goals and priorities. Goals are long-term targets that you want to achieve, while priorities are the things that need to be done first in order to reach those goals. For example, if your goal is to increase sales by 20% this year, your priority might be to create […]

Providing good customer service is important for the success of any business, including startups. Here are 5 tips for how to provide good customer service as a startup founder: Understand your customers’ needs and preferences It is also important to listen to your customers and be responsive to their feedback. This might involve tracking customer […]