Why You Need to Avoid the Shiny Object Syndrome

Have you experienced jumping from one idea to the next. You feel this jolt of excitement that this is going to be the one that takes off. Or, if I learn just one more skill that’s all that I need. It becomes a waste of time watching endless motivational videos to keep pushing to do more of nothing. Great! you learned another skill, but did you apply it? Awesome, you started another venture, but did you find a customer that wants to buy from you- before you move onto the next one? And, you launch a new venture with the same vigor and interest as the last.

You’re not alone, but you should highly consider looking inward and making a change. This is one of the many reasons entrepreneurs don’t get their businesses off of the ground. You have to master your own discipline which will put you far ahead of everyone that following the bright and shiny objects.

Busyness and productivity aren’t the same. Just because you’re spending a lot of time doing something doesn’t mean that you are using the time most effectively. If you want to be productive, have a routine that gives you duplicable system. Additionally, be obsessed with the process, not the outcome. You might not always know the answers right now, but you should forge forward anyway- you’ll start having “Just In Time Learning”.

And if you are struggling with “yourself” in general, it may be helpful and wise to look into a therapist. or psychologist to understand why you self-sabotage, why you are afraid of failing, why you seek perfection, etc. It may uncover other mental health implications that you have.

Here’s the big kicker, FOMO. Fear of missing out. You will work on something but feel that there isn’t enough time to do everything, so you move onto the next thing because you’re bored and want to work on them all. If you can’t focus on one thing at a time, you’ll have a lot of hobbies, but not much of a business to show for it.

You’re not alone.

Sooo many entrepreneurs feel the exact same way. But, this is your calling. It’s your time to turn over a new leaf. Make a decision, be disciplined, and stick to it.

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