Heroic Career Moves That Made Hundreds of Quitters Rich

After studying and observing hundreds of millionaires to learn about how they made it to the two comma club, there were some similarities that they shared. An overwhelming majority were entrepreneurs that started or bought businesses. A minority of them worked a traditional 9 to 5 job. And, an even smaller group of them worked in a senior role at a large company. Here’s something that might shock you – they all quit their careers and found another way to build wealth. Let’s uncover what the most common reasons they decided to throw in the towel with their old roles.

Zombie Work

  • One of the reasons that many of the people decided to leave their role is because they felt like they were being underutilized. There was no recognition and they were doing the same mundane tasks that didn’t spotlight their strengths, skills, or talents.

Boss’ Ego

  • In other cases, the employees felt like their managers were terrible. Jobs were more about padding the ego of the bosses than in the interest of moving a project forward. Scenarios like this caused employees to leave the situation because the feel undervalued and belittled.

Dreadful Culture

  • The terrible office culture with the cattiness, backstabbing, gossip, water-coolor chat, and an ultimately toxic work environment pushed some of the millionaires right out of the door.

Show Me the Money

  • People left for other opportunities when their salaries weren’t keeping up with their bills, if they couldn’t afford the vacation that they wanted, or were able to save enough money to buy a house.

On the Road Again

  • Having to drive 90 minutes one way, and another 90 minutes the other way is soul-crushing insanity. 3 hours of your day- everyday- is already gone. Which, is what made remote work and entrepreneurship so enticing during the pandemic.

Writing On the Wall

  • When their industries looked like they were headed for the tank, these people noticed and took proactive action against the inevitable.

These reasons may come as no surprise, but managers tend to overlook why great employees become entrepreneurs in the first place. In conclusion, the path to millionaire status isn’t always straightforward. Many millionaires in a study had to quit their traditional jobs and find a different way to build wealth. They left for a variety of reasons, such as feeling underutilized, dealing with toxic bosses or office cultures, not getting paid enough, having a draining commute, or recognizing industry trends that were headed for disaster. This underscores the importance of being open to new opportunities and taking calculated risks to pursue your passions and build your own empire.

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