Have you ever considered the similarities between baking cookies and starting your own business? On the surface, these two activities may seem completely unrelated, but if you take a closer look, you’ll find that they actually share a lot in common. Both require careful planning, attention to detail, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, […]

For those of you living in an American suburb, you’ll know how expansive and lifeless these places are. There are cookie-cutter homes that span miles and miles. Greenery is confined into small quadrants within the jungle of concrete. It should be the opposite; concrete in small quadrants, with a jungle of greenery surrounding. Every which […]

It’s important to understand the difference between goals and priorities. Goals are long-term targets that you want to achieve, while priorities are the things that need to be done first in order to reach those goals. For example, if your goal is to increase sales by 20% this year, your priority might be to create […]