Basketball players are known for their exceptional skills on the court, but many have also found success in the business world. They go from grabbing boards to sitting in the boardroom, and leveraged their fame and financial resources to build highly profitable businesses in various industries. After spending over 20 years playing basketball, it’s not […]

Have you gotten the whole, “You’re too ambitious” bit from family or friends? They will try to bemoan your ideas or get you to stop working on your vision. Sometimes you’ll hear the, “You’re getting ahead of yourself”. But, you know deep in your core that you’re committed and convinced that you can make it. […]

A multipotentialite is a person who has many interests and passions, and who may have the ability to excel in multiple fields or disciplines, rather than just one specific area. Multipotentialites are often drawn to multiple fields of study or careers, and they may find it difficult to choose one specific path. They may feel […]

Starting a new business can be a challenging and rewarding experience, and professional development is an important aspect of this journey. Here are 3 quirky tips for professionally developing when you’re starting a new business: One way to embrace your inner weirdo is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open in your interactions with […]

Incubators and Accelerators, what’s the difference? Some people use incubator and accelerator interchangeably- I’ve made the mistake before in the past. But, there is a little difference between the two. Incubators “incubate” disruptive ideas. Accelerators “accelerate” the growth of the business. There is a more on this below. What is an Incubator? Startup incubators are […]

While taking risks is necessary for success, it is important to identify and mitigate potential risks in order to increase the chances of success. Here are some tips for how to manage risk as a startup founder: Identify potential risks Identify potential risks. The first step in managing risk is to identify potential risks that […]