“Mastery” explores the journey towards achieving mastery in any field of endeavor. Leonard emphasizes the importance of embracing the process of learning, rather than focusing solely on the end result. He challenges the prevailing cultural obsession with quick fixes and instant gratification, encouraging readers to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and lifelong learning. Three-Word […]

Starting a new business can be a challenging and rewarding experience, and professional development is an important aspect of this journey. Here are 3 quirky tips for professionally developing when you’re starting a new business: One way to embrace your inner weirdo is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and open in your interactions with […]

Networking is an important aspect of starting a new business, as it can help you to build relationships, gain insights, and find new opportunities. Here are 6 tips for networking when you’re starting a new business: It is also helpful to have a clear and concise “elevator pitch” that summarizes your business and what you […]

Incubators and Accelerators, what’s the difference? Some people use incubator and accelerator interchangeably- I’ve made the mistake before in the past. But, there is a little difference between the two. Incubators “incubate” disruptive ideas. Accelerators “accelerate” the growth of the business. There is a more on this below. What is an Incubator? Startup incubators are […]